list of 3 TCGA glioblastoma samples, parts thereof, outputs of SCANVISscan and SCANVISlinkvar functions with toy variants supplied for the variant-SJ mapping
    list of 3 TCGA lung adenocarcinoma samples, parts thereof, outputs of SCANVISscan
    list of 3 TCGA lung squamous cell carcinoma samples, parts thereof, both outputs of SCANVISscan with the second sample being variant-mapped via SCANVISlinkvar
  4. SCANVIS::gbm3
    part of a TCGA glioblastoma sample from STAR alignment SJ.tab file
    matrix|131 x 4
  5. SCANVIS::gbm3.vcf
    a toy set of 6 variants that pair up with the gbm3 data example
  6. SCANVIS::gen19
    parts of the annotation object created by the SCANVISannotation function when used with the url ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/ which references the gencode v19 GTF file for human hg19